BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
SoundMaster with System 6.0
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Using SoundMaster with System 6.0
System 6.0 adds the Mac II beep capability and includes a new version of
the Sound cdev which works on all machines. Unfortunately, it can conflict
with the way that SoundMaster's beep sound works. I have tried out
SoundMaster 1.2 with System 6.0 and here are my results:
* SoundMaster's beep sound overrides the system beep sound from System 6.0.
To use the 'snd ' resource beep, go into SoundMaster, select the beep sound,
then click the 'Off' button and restart. This will cause the beep sound
code from System 6.0 to be used. To switch back to using the SoundMaster
beep sound, click the 'On' button for the beep sound and restart.
* If you have an old (512e) Macintosh with a third-party memory upgrade,
you will NOT be able to change beep sounds with the new Sound cdev. This
is NOT a problem with SoundMaster. It is because you have an old clock
chip and don't have the extended parameter RAM (PRAM) where the 'snd '
resource ID gets saved. You will ONLY be able to use the 'simple beep'
sound with the Sound cdev. (Anyone want to send me a Mac Plus clock chip
or at least tell me if they can work in an old [purchased Jan '85] Mac?)
* All other SoundMaster sounds work properly, although it seems that the
bad disk sound can now get interfered with by disk access in addition to
the disk insert and eject sounds which were previously interfered with.
Bruce Tomlin
15801 Chase Hill Blvd #109
San Antonio, TX 78256
GEnie: BTOMLIN (often called)
CIS: 72507,2742 (rarely called)